In early Q1 2023, Full Circle used InstaConnect to find 95 US finance professionals. The results were illuminating.
What are the biggest concerns plaguing financial professionals and their clients regarding financial planning, retirement, and the future?
Overall, loss of income is the #1 concern plaguing financial professionals and their clients at the start of 2023. This comes as no surprise after the series of sweeping tech layoffs we’ve seen so far this year. That said, while these layoffs are top-of-mind and widely discussed, they may not be indicative of the overall US job market, as unemployment rates are down across the US, falling to their lowest rate (3.4% ) since May 1969. Perhaps these so-called “Loud Layoffs” happening at household-name companies just feel more salient and impactful due to the extensive media coverage. And top-of-mind layoffs can easily drive concerns over loss of income.
Market uncertainty is another top concern, especially among professionals who rank it as their #2 concern. Inflation is among the top 3 concerns for pros and their clients focused on financial planning.
When it comes to clients, planning for retirement, unexpected expenses and loss of income are top concerns, which would exist in any economic state. Financial pros also say those planning for retirement are similarly concerned with market uncertainty and inflation.
Economic downturn, while still a concern among many, ranks lower than others, particularly when it comes to planning for retirement. This thinking aligns with historically low employment rates and GDP growth in the US. Even still, Forbes reports that two-thirds of economists at the World Economic Forum believe a recession is coming in 2023.

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